Monday, June 25, 2007


Don't let me get away with not posting our drama this weekend with baby T. But right now I'm delirously tired so I'll stick with a funny kid story again.

Middle Son, "Mr. Mischief" is always getting into the fridge & freezer. He steals bits of daddys birthday cake, ice cream, anything he can get his hands on. It has become worse as of late so I picked up a fridge child lock Sunday night. I put it up, went to bed and DH stayed up so I could sleep in a bit. I was woken by Middle Son whispering to me "Mom, I saw what you got for the refrigerator! It's a good idea. I got the milk for (DD3)because she can't open it".

So apparently he's mighty proud that I bought something to keep his little sister out of the fridge. And he feels even prouder that HE can open it to help her out.



Rebel said...

He's too smart for you! Maybe you need to chain the door shut with a padlock.

andie said...

That is only funny because it didn't happen here.

If it makes you feel better, I bought a fridge lock, put it up and broke it in about, oh...3 minutes. I couldn't figure it out. Now I know who to call!

J-Lynn said...

LOL Rebel, don't think that hasn't gone through my mind!

LOL Andie, I almost broke this one too.

Emily said...

ROFL!! That is too funny!!