Friday, June 1, 2007

I was feeling particularly snarky...

A young woman made a comment while I was walking with the kids in the store.

"Are they all yours?"

"Yup - every one"

"Oh (eye roll) I don't know HOW you do it!"

"Do you have any children?" I ask.

"Oh no, not yet".

"Oh, (eye roll), i don't know HOW you do it!"

Then I kept on walking... My kids are never paying attention enough to catch on so that's good. LOL It really felt good to give it back just once though. :-)

OK so I'd love to post later but to give you a summary... Today was the Great Flood of '07 apparently. We drove in huge lakes to attempt to rescue a car full of college kids (it was safe in our van - not in their Firebird). Then we found out our adorable, loving, beautiful little puppies we got 3 days ago have Parvo. *sigh* So we're self treating with electrolyte replacement force feedings through a syringe and giving them antibiotic shots in case of a secondary infection. Oh and lots and lots of love. Say a prayer for them. My kids love them so much and DH and I already do too. We don't want to have to say goodbye in such a terrible way.

I'll try to post some more later.


Dy said...

ROFLOL! Did you really? OK, you get the Say What You Mean award this week. That's just awesome!!!

Don't float away!

andie said...

What? YOu didn't trip her, too? :-)

Don't mind me, I've been out among Others far too much lately with softball and baseball. I've just about used up all my Gets Along With Others.