Monday, June 11, 2007

Dog days

For not being a dog person I have an awful lot of posts with "dog" in the title lately. I'm turning into my grandma.

OK the doggie purse thing has caused an uproar (mostly a private e-mail uproar - my friends and readers are mostly too shy to post for some reason). Most of my friends are shocked and appalled that I would even *think* of such a faux pas. So, in the spirit of friendship I was going to post a picture of me SLINGING my puppy but no one in my family would take the picture. Then my camera broke. An omen? Hmmm you decide.

I. did. not. buy. a. doggie. purse. yet. So calm down people! Enough with the "Have you gone MAD woman?!?!?!" e-mails. Please.

OK, I haven't updated on my puppies for a few reasons. 1) I just haven't been in the mood to put comprehensive sentences together. 2) I have been ignoring my household duties on the go lately a LOT. (I've been getting a lot of time for myself too. I think DH spidey sensed I was on the verge of a mental breakdown and he's been giving me LOTS of nights to go read or eat & laugh with friends or have some coffee and quiet) & 3) *Warning* the following is not even remotely snarky, funny, or positive Curly, the black Cocker Spaniel, did not make it through. My oldest son and I sat by its side watching him go through a very terrible death. :-( In fact, at the very end I couldn't handle it anymore and I told my oldest to come by me. Later he asked why I pulled him away and I told him I couldn't deal with the dog dying and he said "Mom, you should have left me there petting him, I could have handled it" He's growing up to be such a brave and wonderful young man.

So as therapy for my grief (although I was sad, it was the fragility of life that really shook me I think) I dug his grave. Wow I didn't know digging could relieve so much stress and negativity! I may write a book called "The Angry Gardener". I used a hand spade and a plastic drinking cup. Did a fine job if I say so myself. Shovels, we don't need no stinkin' shovels.

Cocoa, on the other hand (the Chihuhua), is FINE. The vet congratulated me on taking such good care of them both and said he doubted the outcome would have been different even if I had them in with him. At least Curly died on a warm bed with people that loved him.

Alright enough of that sappy shit. I'll post a pic soon of Cocoa, the wonder puppy, who likes to try to nurse on my husband - talk about a rude wake up call! He's my kind of dog - a cat without the attitude. And him and our older dog, Sheba, play so WELL together. Sheba could eat him without chewing but instead they play like - well - like puppies. He's the perfect addition to the family.

OK, so about cameras. My lens is frozen open - darn Oklahoma dusty winds! So if you guys love me and like my photos and ever want to see that White Trash Baby Daddy exercise tape I suggest you create a paypal fundraiser for Jlynn to buy a new camera. Alright, quit looking at me like that, I'll just buy disposables until I can get a new one. ;-)


Rebel said...

So sorry about Curly, but at least you tried. That's too funny about Cocoa trying to nurse.

Dy said...

Now, now, I never said you were mad. I suspected alcohol... ;-)
