Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More on Sanjaya: the Idol that shouldn't be...

He does seem like a sweet kid and I hate to pick on him but... cm'on! It's like that chicken guy last season... *sigh*

These people I'm going to quote really need a life though!
"So until the day that Sanjya is no longer American Idol, I will be going on a hunger strike. This means I will refuse to eat anything until American Idol voters wise up, and stop voting Sanjya through each week"

Starvation for Sanjaya


Matt said...

Yea, apparently this is all Howard Stern's doing. He created some sort of "vote for the worst" campaign and it looks like it is actually working.

It's kind of a neat prank on the American Idol show but I really feel bad for all the idols being voted off before Sanjya. For instance Chris Sligh was sooo much better and really should have stayed in the competition for at least a few more weeks. Oh well.


J-Lynn said...

I didn't know that Matt! I haven't had my Sirius hooked up in awhile. Interesting, I'll have to read more about it, thanks!