Sunday, April 1, 2007

Bah Humbug Mom!

Both my girls stay up way too late and complain if they have to get up before let's say, NOON! It's ridiculous, especially on Sundays. I won't go into whose genes they have. ;-)

Last night our 3yo was particulary stubborn and when I checked in on her at around 2:30am she was finally lying in bed, but she was not asleep yet. DH also told me she woke up in the wee hours of the morning to try to get into bed with us but after 5 kids we have kiddar (kind of like radar) and now wake up and see if they'll go back to their beds. 9 times out of 10 they're half asleep and just head on back to their own lairs. So, she was up at least once during the night. At 10am DH and I went into the girls room to try to wake them up. We tried shouting "tornado"! Yeah, we're weird but thankfully the kids know this and don't get scared easily. So then we tried singing to them at the top of our lungs in our worst voices ever. The Older Girl stirred. Ahhhh She reluctantly got out of bed and put as much space between her parents and herself as quickly as possible. The Younger Girl did not budge. I finally went over and gently nudged her awake and she was Oscar The Grouch from the moment her eyelids fluttered. I reminded her we had church this morning and she should have went to bed when mommy & daddy told her, but it was almost time to go. She barely put up with me dressing her and brushing her hair. There was much gnashing of teeth on her end. She was not happy, not one bit.

She ended up going to church and enjoying it. And although I napped for 2 hours this afternoon she did not and she's still going. Amazing creatures children. Amazing.

So, here's a picture I will keep forever. And I will slip it into her first dates pocket as a gentle warning of what he may be getting himself into if he falls in love with my beautiful daughter. ;-)

Right after this picture, she started warming up and being human again. I asked if she was ready for church and she said sleepily (but seriously), "Do they have a bed there?"


Rebel said...

Oh my goodness! What a precious photo!

andie said...

LOL! The wedding will have to be an evening affair, I'd imaginne!

andie said...

Um, sticky keyboard, sorry!

melissa said...

You guys are hilarious!!! ROFL! And HOW did that little get so big??? That's just Too fast! I love your new blog, BTW.

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

LOL I swear she looks like Joshua in a dress, though, right down to the surly look. :)

Thom said...

That is an absolutely ADORABLE picture!! It begs to be printed in B&W or sepia!! "Do they have a bed there?" ROFL!!