My older boys are too prissy to get dirty like the girls. The oldest was 3.5 when I put him in a tiny mud puddle and he SCREAMED his head off that he was dirty. His 1.5yo sister just laughed and splashed away. When we told this story he said "Yup and I still don't like to get dirty!" That's alright son, neither do I, most of the time. The 5yo boy did eventually get in but only when he thought no one was watching - he's funny like that. Anyway, they're all bathed, and watching "Night at the Museum" (again) and DH and I are going to try "Stranger than Fiction" with Will Farrell. Should be a nice quiet evening...
I love the pictures! That's next in our Netflix queue, we just unsuspended our membership so I think we'll have it tomorrow.
ROFL!! Those pictures are awesome!! Our oldest still does not like to get dirty. The slightest spot on his clothes, even socks, and he wants something clean to put on.
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