Thursday, April 26, 2007

I can't decide which video to post first...

Our whitest kid dancing (short but good)

Baby torture at the carwash (no babies were permanently harmed)

3yo's gone stir crazy (A very entertaining type of crazy)

My husband butchering the word Arkansas (Complete with thick NY accent applied)

7yo caught singing in the shower (and she doesn't seem to care)

I forgot one!

Lipsynching baby (complete with dance moves)

Alright - y'all decide!


melissa said...

I'm always a sucker for a singing video!

BTW, I LOVED the meme below. I know what you mean...those things take forever. But I am glad that you posted it. I really enjoyed reading it.

(Oh, and the catholic thing is hysterical!!)

Emily said...

I vote for the white-kid-dance. Only becau(se I have a dance to go to in a couple of weeks and maybe it will make me feel better about my own "rug-cutting". I too am very, very white but somehow always find myself on the dance floor by the end of the night. *sigh*.

Rebel said...

Singing in the shower!!!

Dy said...

I don't care which one you post first, just POST THEM ALL!!!! :-D

Emily, you don't dance like... Elaine, do you? ;-)


andie said...

We have a car wash screamer, too. She hates it so that whenever we drive away she says "Car wass all done. No car wass today. We're all keen!"

Needleroozer said...

I vote for all of them, starting with the baby ones.

Emily said...

LOL!!! Ummm...well..the word 'Elainesk' has been used to describe my attempt at dancing. But I have so much fun doing it!! :D

J-Lynn said...

OK - I want to see that Emily. LOL I didn't dance at all - if I'm not drinking I'm too self conscious and well with 5 kids and a LONG drive after the wedding we didn't drink. One of the guys kidnapped me and swung me around the dance floor until I mouthed "H-E-L-P" to DH and he came around and rescued me LOL