Sunday, March 11, 2007

I know this is juvenile but...

I thought this was so funny I had to rewind and pause and take a picture to share. Cm'on, regress with me!

It's a still from American Idol with subtitles because I can never hear a darn thing in my house.

- Click on it for full size -


melissa said...

Hey, who are you routing for on Idol? The voting has been so wacky this year, so far. You changed your picture!! So serious and introspective...I like it. (But the other one was definitely an original!)

J-Lynn said...

Melissa, honestly all of a sudden I lost interest this season! I think it made me really mad when they voted off Nicholas instead of Sanjaya - I was disgusted. LOL

Now that it's at the Top 12 I'll pick up watching it again with renewed interest I'm sure. I just get so mad and overanylyze the voting process. Kind of like I do every 4 years. LOL

J-Lynn said...

I guess I still have favorites, Blake, Melinda, & Lakisha. Phil is pretty good too.

Oh and I just like looking at Brandon (Blake too). LOL What about you?!

Rebel said...

I love Melinda and LaKisha.