Saturday, May 5, 2007

I forgot the best part!

About the Dr... I'm fighting the plague, going on 4 days now of fevers, chills, sweats and just misery. So you'll have to excuse me missing the best part. As he's laying me back palpatating my stomach he says, "Looks like our next president is going to be from NY huh?" I asked him if he was trying to give me palpatations if he meant Hillary. There aren't many people were I'm from that will vote for her, she targeted all the rich folk upstate. He says that must mean I'm a Giulanni fan. Eh, I did like him in the City but I'm not exactly comfortable putting someone like him in control either. I told him I'd probably be voting for the lesser of 2 evils and Hillary always seems to be the most evil. LOL He didn't say much. ;-)

OK so I'm at a "mother's night out" dinner the other night. 2 of my most liberal friends and 2 of my most conservative friends are left at this point. One of our liberal friends say "Did you know Al Gore invented the internet? and one of my conservative friends pipes up and says, "Yeah, he invented Global Warming too". ROFL!!! That was just priceless...


melissa said...

ROFL! Hope that you're feeling better!

Rebel said...

Get well soon! Sounds like a strange doctor.