Saturday, December 15, 2007

Time to be cynical again...

So tonight we went to DH's company Christmas party. We didn't go before because they allowed ZERO children, not even of the non-mobile infant sort. So, this was the first year we could go. I already knew it would be awkward and was already hoping they'd forgo the whole party idea in favor of Christmas bonuses. I was going to explain the party in full detail but I think I'll sum it up for you instead.

Do you know what you're sitting in the DR's office and it's crowded and there are people next to you and you feel like you should strike up a conversation but you really don't feel up to it? Yeah, it was like that. Only with undercooked chicken & drunk people everywhere. When I did try to establish rapport the effect was minimial and nobody laughed at my attempts at humor and ask DH, I am funny! DH and I laughed rudely to ourselves the entire evening and had a good time anyway. I mean, no one was mean but the entire evening was just.plain.awkward. Most people didn't want to be there, just like the Drs office. Only with door prizes. Here's what we won, and both the hat and shirt are matching in all their glory. rofl

*sorry, I made him keep the tag on the glasses so I can regift them later* ;-)

They should have stuck with bonuses.

Friday, December 14, 2007


This was taken in our friends town just 2 towns over from ours. Our town wasn't hit nearly as hard. Their town still looks like this, 4 days later!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Baby laughing at the Wii

Or this one! Alright, time to go be productive. lol

If you're having a bad day...

Watch this video, you'll *have* to smile.

Chuck Norris is a household name for us now...

I don't know how or why the Chuck Norris fact craze started butI spent a good hour laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face reading them at Of course when I did peel my eyes off the screen it made me laugh even harder to see the bewildered looks on my dad and DH's face. And when I tried to say them outloud, sometimes even intelligible, I cried even more while they shook their heads and tried to hold their laughter in. Resistance was futile though and soon enough all of us had tears rolling down our faces at such goodies as:

Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.

Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.

Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

Chuck Norris once worked as a weatherman for the San Diego evening news. Every night he would make the same forecast: Partly cloudy with a 75% chance of Pain.

There is no such thing as global warming. Chuck Norris was cold, so he turned the sun up.
(I really want this one on a t-shirt lol).

Everybody loves Raymond. Except Chuck Norris. (or this one - rofl!)

Oh and there's much, much more! rofl

I love this guy...

Jimmy Fallon cracks us up!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lip Synching Baby

I don't remember if I ever actually posted this or not. It's from our trip last April. *T* was about 16 months old.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Chuck Norris Approved

I laughed so hard at this I cried! A fist? Pushing the Earth down? BWA HAHAHA

Ron Paul on Homeschooling

Someone running for office, much less the presidential race, saying this stuff OUT LOUD is refreshing!

BTW, I'm still undecided between him and Huckabee, anyone want to help me decide? lol

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Santa Baby....

OK - I debated whether or not to post this because it's a "santa spoiler" so to speak but if you're reading this you're probably either a) An adult or b) A child who typed in google/yahoo "is Santa real". Either way, you can probably handle the following. ;-)

If you are a "Pere Noel" believer you may not want to read any further, consider yourself warned. ;-)

Alright so most of y'all know I have an 8yo brother. Let's call him Ed. So my mom was curious if Ed still believed in Santa. She hints around about him until Ed says, "Mom, I haven't believed in Santa since I was 1 years old!" Cute right? You don't know Ed. He has these snappy 1 liners that make me laugh SO darn hard while at the same time glad it's not my kid saying it. LOL Eds father says "Well, who do you think the man at the mall is then?"

Eds reply was, "Some guy with a crappy job!"

Oh my that child is full of stuff like that. Like I said HYSTERICAL 'cause he's not mine. hehehe

Oh and check this out - who says all the fun in pumpkin pie is eating it? (sorry it's so blurry but you get the idea)

Some people have ants on the counter, some people have cats on the counter, I have an epidemic of diaper clad children on my counter. ;-)