Friday, December 14, 2007


This was taken in our friends town just 2 towns over from ours. Our town wasn't hit nearly as hard. Their town still looks like this, 4 days later!


andie said...

WOW! I'm so happy you're safe. I finally heard from my friend in OKC, and they've got power back and are trying to get back to normal. Her dh is a Lowe's manager - I'm sure he's sold a LOT of generators.

melissa said...

Woah. That looks pretty nasty. The icing is supposed to hit us in a few hours. Nothing like that,though. wow. Thanks for the pic.

Emily said...

OUCH!! That makes me shiver!!

We are getting just a bit of freezing rain here which is pretty normal for us.

Take care and stay WARM!

J-Lynn said...

Yeah, they were sold out when my friend went to buy one Andie! Crazy!