Thursday, August 2, 2007

Killing my snarky side?

Teasing - 2 : to tear in pieces; especially : to shred (a tissue or specimen) for microscopic examination
3 a : to disturb or annoy by persistent irritating or provoking especially in a petty or mischievous way b : to annoy with petty persistent requests : PESTER; also : to obtain by repeated coaxing c : to persuade to acquiesce especially by persistent small efforts : COAX d : to manipulate or influence as if by teasing e : to make fun of : KID

Sarcasm: Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwar&s- to cut
1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual

OK so our counselor wants us to stop all teasing and sarcasm in our household. Every.Single.Bit. Even the funny kind because he said it's usually not funny to at least someone. I'll admit it, I am afriad of turning into Ned Flanders to be quite honest. Or Stuart Smalley, "but doggonit people like me". haha

We grew up in NY. Sarcasm is a primary language. Yelling is the second language of choice there. So to drop all of that isn't easy. We were raised in it. We were in fact raised to mock people who weren't like us. So to become the very people we mocked is difficult. If that makes any sense.


OK on a lighter note. Yesterday was my 29th birthday. The highlight of my day was being hired on to help clean for an apartment complex. It sounds silly but it really felt great to know they wanted me to work for them. And I actually enjoy cleaning. And it will be a quiet reflective time for me I think. And I may choose how often I work each month, if at all. I'm excited!

So we went out to dinner for my birthday and I asked DH's NOT to tell the guys to throw that nasty old sombrero on my head and sing to me. About 3/4 of the way through the meal I was absolutely FREEZING cold! I took the baby and went to the car much to DH's dismay. I knew he had planned to have them sing to me. So I'm in the van with the baby minding my own business warming up and reading a book when I see DH and the kids come out followed by an entourage of workers from the restaurant and that DARN SOMBRERO. I contemplated locking the doors and pretending I didn't know them but thought better of it and rolled down my window. They promptly placed it on my head, screamed "WE'VE GOT A BIRTHDAY!!!" and sang their loud rendition of Happy Birtdhay to me. The kids were absolutely thrilled and I swear I caught an evil smirk on DH's face. At least I wasn't freezing. ;-)

It's good to know you're loved.



Michele said...

Happy Birthday!!

Emma wanted to tell the waiter at the restaurant we were at on Saturday that it was her sister's birthday. I had to remind Emma what happened when we tried to sing Happy Birthday to Abby when we celebrated it with my in laws. I did get it on video - maybe something to upload ... except I'd get in trouble to causing people's ear drums to explode due to all of the screaming that came from my now 2 year old's mouth.

Mmmm Mexican food. :D

andie said...

Happy Birthday, Jess!!

Sarcasm and yelling are my love languages. A big part of why this is as far as I dare stray from the East Coast. ;)

Needleroozer said...

A belated happy Birthday to you, Jess!!
Now I am craving mexican.

Anonymous said...

Wait. I'm on the wrong blog. You LIKE CLEANING?

I grew up with teasing and sarcasm. Sometimes it was cute but other times it really wasn't funny to at least someone, and that was often me. Never the less, I still find myself doing it far too often. Old habits are hard to break.

Cheryl (Konk)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and a BIG Happy Birthday!


J-Lynn said...

I should clarify. I like cleaning *OTHER* people's homes. ;-)

Rebel said...

Happy belated birthday.

Michele said...

When I was a kid, my mom would complain that we liked to clean up our messes at other people's houses but not the messes we'd made at our own house. So, yeah, I completely understand. ;)

(something went wonky .. hope this doesn't post twice!!)