Friday, July 6, 2007

Why I've been so quiet...

Grampoo's here!!!! The days have been filled with things like this:

And the nights have been filled with B-rated action & karate flicks, deep philosophical discussions, and the endless quest to find my father a cup of coffee that doesn't make him want to throw it in the clerks face. Yeah, it's a sore spot with him. ;-)

My wonderful DH got my internet hooked back up after I moved the computer to the living room. So, I'm here just too busy living to write about it for a change. It's a good thing.



Dy said...

Happy Day! Gotta love the Granpoo! Tristan looks like he is in heaven.


Emily said...

AWWW!! That is the cutest picture! Have fun with Granpoo and the coffee quest :)

Rebel said...

Have fun!