Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Painting with children

OK so I took Dys' advice and decided to take on more household projects with my kids. Our 2yo is just not ready to paint (although he thinks he is) so while the others were helping I gave baby *T* a clean paint brush with a bowl of water and a clean wall to "paint". All good, right? Would I be blogging about it if it was? LOL!

So, I'm deep in paint-land thinking to myself, "Wow, this isn't so bad after all. Everyone is doing a great job!". Then I turn around. Somehow little Mr. Sneaks-a-lot got his little brush into the rolling pan. And so he painted a wall we didn't have any intentions on painting.

But, it wasn't that bad.

And he was SO happy.

And it was my risk.

So, we just laughed and took lots of pictures. Looking at that wall makes me smile.



melissa said...

Hey there! I have a wall like that up in our upstairs bathroom! Jack was helping. Awesome pictures! He's such a cutie.

andie said...

I can't get over the haircut change!

How'd the real project come out?

P.S. Glad you're back and not...ya know...dead or runned oft or something. :-)

Needleroozer said...

Oh no! Not the wall, but your baby doesn't look like a baby anymore! When did this happen???