Monday, January 28, 2008


Alright so I'm tonight. I had gotten a full day of school in, prepared 3 meals plus snacks. Played with the kids, read to them, did everything that I could possibly have done and I was just plum worn out. Because ya know, kids keep taking because they just don't have empathy yet. Well, my 10yo does and my 8yo is capable of it but the 6, 4, & 2yo - not a trace of it yet. So I'm into full lecture mode in the van as we went to surprise daddy at work with a homemade grilled steak and potato dinner. I'm telling them that I'm grateful for the help they provide but that they cannot continue to take advantage and it's not fair for mom to clean up or have to yell at them to clean up their mess. I'm sure they heard blah...blah...blah... But I was done. I was ranting and raving, bordering on tears and my 10 & 8yo know enough to just shut up and listen. They have the wisdom. When I'm done talking at them my 10yo says, "Mom, you are always telling us how important it is to look at the positives in every situation. Why are you bringing so many negatives up now?". *sigh* How can you argue with that?

Later I'll write about my reflections on bathrooms and kids. LOL


Sunshine said...

Bless your heart - had to laugh - can SO relate! Sunshine

Needleroozer said...

Yeah, and then we are supposed to formally teach them logic?! It just adds fuel to the fire, I tell ya'.

Mine do that to me all the time- "Ma, you are NOT being what you are telling us to be!"

melissa said...

Bwahahaha! Too funny. Calmly: " Because son,the positive in this situation is that my head has NOT flown from my shoulders, yet."

J-Lynn said...

LOL yes, I am well aware of how smart they are and how very manipulative they can be. I had a gentle but firm answer to that once I was through laughing on the inside. hehe

Dy said...

Oh, Amen, Melissa! AMEN! There are times... oh, my, yes. (It's been a week.)

However, sometimes they've got us dead to rights. And you gotta love that. {{hugs}}

Emily said...

LOL!! Yeah, Melissa nailed it!