Monday, November 12, 2007


The other day I watched my newly 8 year old (!) daughter rummaging through the cabinets. I asked her what she was looking for and she said, "Mom, do you have any non-pairabullish food I can donate to Harvest for 4-H?".

"pera----what?" I asked, perplexed.

"You know, non-pairabullish, they have to store it for 2 weeks and so it can't go bad".

I tried so hard not to laugh in her face, she's old enough to get her feelings hurt so I explained that it was perishable, not pairabullish and we had a good laugh together.

I love that 8 is not too late for the cute things they say catagory. ;-)


Patriot said...

Congrats on ten years of marriage!

Just wanted to thank you for coming by and entering my giveaway last week! The giveaway for this week is up, so feel free to stop by and check it out!

Rebel said...

Hope your Thanksgiving was good. You've disappeared again so hopefully everything is going well.