Thursday, November 29, 2007

What we've been up to...

Building huts, making the Nile River (and flooding it once a week), creating personalized cuneiform tablets out of clay, painting our very own coat of many colors...

...and that's just history!

Bible, Math, English, Map Skills, Reading, (our current favorite we're reading is Elsie Dinsmore).

Plus add in the daily activities, try-to-be-weekly field trips/playgroup & various other things. And we've been filling our weekends with friends, food, games, and laughter.

Unfortunately that leaves little time to blog although I do keep a running list of things to blog about. LOL

I think this year is our busiest yet but so far it's been the most rewarding, it just feels right ya know?



melissa said...

ooooooo that is a good feeling! And one that I have NOT had this year! Congratulations on hitting a stride. It really is rewarding.

Emily said...

Oh yes! I know that feeling and it is a good one.

My boys still play with their coat of many colors (made out of The Dude's old shirts).