Saturday, October 27, 2007

My apparent curse with cameras

I must have pissed a gypsy woman off one day by getting in the way of a good shot she would have had or something.'ve.touched goes KAPUT. Well, every camera that's MINE thank goodness. I somehow manage to borrow cameras and return them in pristine shape. It's mine that get stolen, frozen, stuck, "errored", or just plain broken. *sigh* I think I was on my 6th one in 2 years and on the way to the pumpkin patch both my father and my camera broke. Yeah, I guess it wasn't meant to be. Thank goodness I have friends with great cameras, friends that manage to keep them for more than 2 months at a time.

Today I was wishing I had a camera. There were a dozen things, like usual, that had me reaching for an imaginary one but one in particular had me really kicking myself. My dad was showing me how my little long-haired chihuaha would go and retrieve the practice golf balls he was hitting in the backyard. Except Cocoa likes to chew them and didn't always want to give them back right away. I ran into the kitchen and cut up a piece of bologna and put it in a ziplock. I told my dad to reward Cocoa every time he brings the ball back and maybe that will help. Well, after the first time he gave him the bologna Cocoa wasn't interested in the ball anymore. LOL But when dad put the bag back in his pocket he's focused back on the ball. So, a few times it worked like that before the dog started to catch on there was a pattern to this. But apparently so did my little son, *T* who will be 2 in December. T started competing with Cocoa and he ran and got the ball and wnet to my dad and gave it back. After he handed it back he put his hand out and said "eeeeat? Eeeat grampoo!" (grampoo is grandpa). So, after verifying it was indeed good bologna with me he gave T a piece too. I would have loved to have a picture of Cocoa, Sheba (our non-ball-retrieving dog that just thought she deserved bologna too), and T all lined up in front of dad, T with his little hand reaching up for the bologna. LOL!!! Dad was joking the second time and said "sit" and T sat right down on command. Too bad it doesn't last much past 2 eh? LOL

OK so since the house has been on a bre@stfeeding theme lately I thought I'd throw the latest at you if you weren't weirded out enough yet (for those of you that aren't bre@stfeeding immune like we are by now)

Yeah, those are balls up there. She put them in and told T, "mum T, mum" (mum is baby-ese for "nursing" with T). T played along the first time, giggling like crazy. OK so we're weird but it's entertaining! lol

Cm'on, think of your best caption for that pic! lol

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Darndest things they say

Ow - ow - ow - ow - ow (said by me typing with a cut fingertip - serated knives hurt)

Ok so here's a small collection of the cute things the kids have said this week, in our own bizarre way.

At the dinner table: The kids are all stating to each other (again) where they were born (yeah, we're nomads). *I* who is now 4 pipes up to say excitedly to everyone, "I was born in a kitty bowl!". Errrrrr that would be KIDDIE POOL honey. But some people believe homebirthers would do anything I guess. lol

Our 10yo son, *R* and I were having a rather deep discussion in the car about courtship and marriage and the importance of being sure you are both ready and right for each other BEFORE making a big decision like marriage. I said as you get older life gets harder sometimes and you really need a friend in your spouse. He said, "like when you have children?". I said yes, I thought some parts of having children were difficult sometimes. He thinks for a moment and replies, "Yeah, I imagine it's especially emotionally difficult at times". WTH? Who replaced him with someone smarter than ME?!?! lol

Finally, this is where I may lose some of you. I've breastfed a baby for the last 10 years OK? Keep that in mind folks. It's like changing diapers around here, we're all sooooooooo used to it. In fact, when *T* weans it will be odd! So anyway I'm helping CJ (6yo now) get some splinters out of his hand. I said "Sorry baby" when I saw him flinch and he wanted to know why I called him baby. I told him because even though he's big he'll always be my baby. Even when he's grown he'll be my baby. He looks up at me and completely take me by surprise by asking, "So can I nurse then?" Er NO you cannot honey, you're way too big for that. To that he replies, "I promise I won't bite" Umm yeah, it would be disturbing if nursing wasn't the norm around here. LOL Oh and of COURSE I politely refused - that even creeps me out. lol

So that's it for the week so far. We are fighting illnesses again but we're at the end of it I think. We're tired of being sick!

Hope to write more soon...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This is amazing!

Raymond Crowe - A Wonderful World
I've never seen hand shadowing done so well!

Friday, October 19, 2007


OK - I know this is probably weird but lately I've just felt like posting various things that bring joy or thought to me rather than writing things. This song/clip is one of my favorites from "The Fighting Temptations" with Cuba Gooding Jr. I love this song and the people in this clip. lol

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bullying You Tube-- A Survivor's STORY

I don't know why but I became obsessed with watching videos like these tonight and I remember what it was like to be bullied, and what it was like to watch people being bullied and do nothing. And sadly, I also know what's it's like to be the bully. It's NOT OK! Yikes I wouldn't go back to those years if you paid me. :-(

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

"The Dress"

OK so my eldest readers will remember the dress I was sentenced to wear from one of my best friends wedding back home in NY. I fasted sugar, exercised more, changed my whole lifestyle. I didn't want to be that girl. I lost 3 inches but I was still bigger than most the girls but it really didn't matter. I felt great, was secure with myself for once and had a wonderful time watching one of my old friends get married in a very Christian wedding. It was a huge blessing.

I'd like to say I have pictures but I don't, not yet anyway. But I do have a picture of myself with 2 of my other best friends from back home.

"M" is the blonde and has been my best friend since we were 4 years old and we remained close until a few years back when life just took us seperate ways for awhile. We had a chance to reunite and bond and it means the world to both of us to be in each others lives again so fully. Her brothers were the ones I never had, I got to have dinner with her and her middle brother as well - great times! "N" is the black haired girl in the picture on the far right. She lost her mother last year suddenly to cancer and has dedicated her life to helping others with weight and nutrition struggles. She's amazing! And of course, I'm the brunette on the left, can you tell I was having the time of my life with them? They're like sisters to me. And I had just gotten back from a wedding of another girl who is like a sister to me, and her family who refer to me as their adopted daughter. I was never so happy to be back home as this trip. I felt like who I was and who I am was finally blended into one and all was right with the world.

Of course with a dozen or so socialization questions about homeschooling thrown in. ;-)
