OK, I won't make food-related threats, but... he's soooo cute! Since I won't eat him up, can I just squeeze him til he pops? :-) (I know, like that's any less disturbing an image, right? But man, he's a cutie!)
Main Entry: snarky
Pronunciation: \ˈsnär-kē\
Function: adjective
Etymology: dialect snark to annoy, perhaps alteration of nark to irritate
Date: 1906
1 : crotchety, snappish
2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner
I'm still trying to figure out who I am. I bounce between who I was, who I want to be, and who God created me to be. Depends which day who you get. ;-)
OK, I won't make food-related threats, but... he's soooo cute! Since I won't eat him up, can I just squeeze him til he pops? :-) (I know, like that's any less disturbing an image, right? But man, he's a cutie!)
We miss you guys!
THAT'S baby T?! But, but, but, he's not a baby anymore.
I can hardly believe that's your BABY!
He's just as cute as the rest of the clan. Golly, you two make beautiful babies!
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