Monday, September 17, 2007

A typical day out...

The following conversation took place at the Post Office last week:

PO Worker: Hey kids, did you have a good day at school today?

Kids (a few in unison): We're homeschooled

Mom: *grimace* (plastering smile)

PO Worker: Oh, well, did you have a good day?

Kids: Yeah

Post Worker: What did you do today?

Oldest 2: We didn't do ANY work

Mom: *sigh*

PO Worker: (puzzled look)

Mom: Today was actually cleaning and errand day

PO Worker: Ohhhhhhhh did mom make you help clean?

Kids: (grumbling) Yes, we had to clean a lot.

PO Worker: Well, that's sort of like school then.


Same Post Office, same visit.

PO WorkerHow old are you guys?

Kids: All giving their ages

DD7: And mom is...

Mom: (insert dd7's name here in a warning tone)

PO Worker: After women get to a certain age it's not polite to tell it to anyone

DD7: She's 29!

DS10: (to his sister) Next time just say "She's old".

Mom: *sigh*


And yes, I know 29 is young (even though in kid years I'm a dinosaur) which is precisely why I don't like to share it! Envision frazzled woman with 5 dishelveled children proclaiming they've done no work today. Don't forget there are 3 different hair colors in my brood, 2 blues eyed, 2 brown eyed, and 1 hazel. Add my age in and people probably start thinking they've seen me on one of Maury Povich's "Who's yer daddy" segments.


Kathy Jo DeVore said...


Whenever anybody asks where Joshua got his blonde hair, Ernie always says, "Oh, I travel a lot."

The Johnson Family said...

Don't worry I have as many kids and am a year younger then you. Oh and for some reason everyone tells me that Allie looks just like me weird.

Rebel said...

I know I SHOULD be nice, but I would have loved to be there just so I could make sarcastic comments. *snicker*

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! You are so funny and have such good stories!! and ways of telling them!
:-) Lisa

Dy said...


Zorak usually claims they're all his, but he's not sure which ones are mine. :-S


andie said...

You mean...that wasn't you? All this time...


Anonymous said...

Shhhhh don't give away my secrets Andie!!! ;-)