When I first brought our oldest child home, I was a nervous wreck. I was young, inexperienced, and scared! Here was this itty bitty person in MY hands. That kind of responsibility was terrifying to me. I was OK when DH was home. But the first day he returned to work I cried my eyes out. I felt inadequate and like there's no possible way I could do this. Be a good mom. I was even afraid to undress and dress him, I felt like he would break!
But, he and I learned together. With a lot of help from DH I grew confident and enjoyed watching this little guy, our son, not only sustain but GROW
And grow...
...and grow...
...and grow...- before our very eyes. I loved watching him walk (at 10 months!). I loved hearing "mama" (although dada came first of course). I loved the way he looked at me and only me in that way. He was completely in love and so was I. I learned to embrace and treasure the bond of motherhood.
Our family grew too!
I've gotten to carry, birth, breastfeed, & enjoy 4 more children after our first. And they've all brought something to my life. But I will always treasure my learning experience with our first. Even the mistakes. ;-)
So now, I'm learning how to raise a pre-teen. And he's learning how to balance becoming a young man and staying a child. Being a big brother and being the oldest child. And he does both Gracefully...
When he goes to bed at night with questions or fears he asks me to give him the chapter of the Bible that will help those questions/fears. Then we discuss what he reads, sometimes for hours. He loves football (playing and creating plays), drawing, learning the drums at band, learning guitar with grandpa, singing at church, acting at the community theater, wrestling with his baby brother. But above all he loves God. And that's awesome.
Happy Birthday sweety! We are SO proud of you!